Trailblazers Class Page 2024-2025.
Welcome to our class page!
Miss Briggs is our Class Teacher.
Mrs Russell and Mrs Davey also work in our class supporting our learning. Mrs Russell also covers on Tuesday afternoon, when Miss Briggs has her PPA time.
We are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead, full of exciting topics, visits and activities.
Use the links below to have a look at what we have been learning in class and all about our topics - keep checking back as we will update the page throughout the year!
If you need any more information or support, please come and speak to us!
Key Information:
Please ensure your child brings in a water bottle and their reading book/record every day. It would be helpful if you can also ensure that their belongings are labelled - it makes it easier to return when left around school!
PE and Swimming:
Our PE days are Thursday and Friday: children will need to come into school in their PE kit on these days please. This should be: plain white t-shirt, black shorts/ joggers and plimsoles/trainers. Please ensure a bobble is provided to tie back long hair and your child is able to remove their own ear-rings (or has tape to cover).
Some children will continue with swimming and this will be the same routine as last year. A letter will be sent to those that need it.
Homework will be set on a Friday and should be returned by the following Friday.
Each week they will have:
Learning this year:
This year, we are following Year B of our Long Term Plans. Further information for each half term can be accessed using the links below.
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