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  • Bolden Terrace, Westhouses, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5AF. Tel: 01773 832 518


Fife/Flute Philosophers concert

Science afternoon Thank you to everyone who came along!

Northern Lights - Thank you to Steve, a local that photographed these for us!

Easter Egg Hunt 2024 - Thank you Friends of Westhouses for organising!

Tulip art for Mothers Day 2024

SNOW! ❄️❄️❄️

The children have done a lovely job making items to go on the memorial for Remembrance. Thank you to any parents that donated wool for this.

Thank you to everyone who has donated for our Harvest Festival!

Thank you for our Halloween themed lunch!

We are now taking appointments at our hairdressers!

Seven Trent paid us a visit and showed us the work they have been doing at our school

Little Explorers have been practising playing in the sand ready for their trip on Friday!

Trailblazers have been creating dragon eyes!

Little Explorers have released their butterflies!

Summer is here! We have lots of beautiful flowers around the school grounds this year, keep an eye out.

Thank you Westhouses association for our Easter egg hunt!

Rhubarb farm trip 2023

Pupil Parliament at Westhouses - Thank you to the other Cluster schools for coming along

'Doodlebug' workshop

Check out what Origami Club have been creating over the past few months!

It's Chinese New Year and Little Explorers have been learning all about it!

It's been vey windy in Westhouses this week but that hasn't stopped our playtimes!

Philosophers have been learning to tie knots in Forest Schools

The Food For Life children that went on a trip to Alfreton Park school had a lovely time. Thank you for being so welcoming!

Trailblazers have been taking part in a filming workshop

The children have been working on their Christmas crafts for the Community Garden.

Little Explorers have had loads of fun making gingerbread men!

Christmas Panto at Blackwell Community Centre 2022

The children were very excited to meet Santa on Friday. Thank you to everyone that came to our Christmas Fair!

Explorers DT projects!

Trailblazers have been dissecting sheep hearts in science

Mrs Russell has been working with Little Explorers and following instructions to make some yummy porridge

Remembrance Day jars

The whole school went to the memorial at the end of the street to pay their respects and join in a minute silence at 11am. The children have also created some displays that are up in school.

Mrs Coupe has left for her maternity leave today, we hope you and baby are doing well and we hope you enjoy your gifts!

Little Explorers have been working together to make some bread!

African dance workshop

African workshop video

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Some of the Trailblazers didn't got the Lea Green, they have been in school.

They have done some schoolwork and then various activities, we thought you might like to see what they have been up to:

  • They helped the Explorers make party fish to go on the school float for Newton Carnival.
  • They designed a laser maze for the other children to use at lunchtime
  • They made clay models and painted them. 
  • They went on a history walk around Westhouses, taking photo's and gathering information, which they then used to produce posters about Westhouses.
  • They made some props for the end of year performance - Shakespeare Rocks.
  • They went onto the Memorial Field to sketch wildflowers and tried using watercolours to paint sketches. 
  • They were challenged to learn how to do a magic trick using playing cards.
  • They planed a scavenger hunt for Philosophers, they hid things and made clues for them to track them down. 

Year 6 enjoy breakfast at school before their SATs!

School had a visit from the High Sherriff at school, he presented Pam Stocks and Christopher Dowd with special awards for service to the community.

Infants make pancakes - pancake day 2022

Artsmark celebration day was a huge hit!

Remembrance art by the juniors

When the children are away the governors play! Dave and Lizzie had lots of fun after Tuesday's governor meeting on the infant didicars!

Year 5&6 have been creating garlands, daisy chains, nature themed mobiles and creating flower bombs to plant around the village.

Our Little Explorers (age 4 and 5) have been out and about litter picking in the village this week!

A huge thank you to Charlie's Grandma for donating some lovely flowers to help us cheer up the planters!

Cooking club made rocky road on Monday!

The tea ladies from Greater Creations came into school on Monday to put a show on for the children and find out what they might like to be added to the park!

Before, during and after! Our EYFS area looks amazing with it's new rubber chippings.

The girls in EYFS have been hard at work this lunchtime putting the new sand in the sand tray.

Wow, look at the size of this!

Two of our four year old Little Explorers have been out and about in the village litter picking.

Santa has treated us to a socially distanced visit today!

Christmas songs 2020

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We hope we can spread some festive cheer with our Christmas songs - enjoy!

Video 2

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Video 3

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Video 4

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Another amazing Christmas Dinner here at Westhouses - Thank you Mr. Nutt!

Westhouses Remembers. We have created Remembrance crosses with messages. Trailblazers also went to the memorial to show their respect and to have their 2 minutes silence.

Halloween Treasure Hunt

Positive Play - Clay Sculptures.

Workshops with Elaine Newton (clay artist) 24.09.2020

A big thank you to everyone who donated cakes for our Macmillan fundraiser. Well done to Ree who won the jar of sweets. We have raised an amazing £195.00 so far and will be having another bake sale to add to this total!

Little Explorers have been building their own train and painting it!

For the second time running, Mason has won this week's photo competition! The theme for next week is 'Splish Splash', this is also going to be our last weekly photo competition for this year. Thank you for all your fantastic entries, we have some talented children at Westhouses Primary! We will be running a whole school monthly photography competition in September, details to follow.

Mr Weston's bubble got to enjoy the lovely sunshine yesterday. They had a picnic down at the stream and also helped the community out by picking up some rubbish.

We have taken advantage of the lovely sunshine today by taking our learning outside for maths!

A big well done to Indie who planted these herself during lockdown. Some are nearly 7ft tall already and they have loads of growing left to do. No signs of flowers yet! She planted the seeds in pots and transplanted them to bigger pots by hand all on her own, before we put them in the ground.

Some of our children have been busy litter picking around the village this afternoon!

The theme for the this week's photo competition was 'patterns'. Mrs Whitby was our guest judge this week and she has chosen Charlie's photo as the winner! The theme for next week is 'guess what it is' - Good Luck!

Some amazing stick art from the pupils in school!

This week's theme for the Philosopher's photography challenge was 'Wonderful World'. Mr Weston kindly picked the winning photo and he chose... Rowan's photo! The theme for next week is 'Patterns'. Good Luck!!

After a very tough decision, the winner of the first Philosopher's Photography Challenge is Luca! Thankyou to everyone who entered. The theme for next week is 'Wonderful World', Good Luck!

The children in school have been having lots of fun with Mrs Tucker creating animal masks. Check out the photos!

The children at school have been decorating cakes and biscuits!

Wow, thank you for joining in our den building challenge, they look great. We love your choice of books.

Washing Hands

We politely remind all parents to remind their children to wash their hands on a regular basis. We have posters around school explaining the correct way to wash your hands and this short video. 

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the music performance yesterday and a big well done to all the pupils that performed.

Wow, the fairy house looks even better now it's been painted. Thanks to Mrs Russell and the pupils involved.

Art day - the children enjoyed lots of creative activities and working with an artist that visited.

Thank you to everyone who donated towards the PDSA fundraiser, we raised £134.11!!

Today we say goodbye and good luck to Mrs Coupe as she goes on maternity leave. We hope you loved your gifts and cards!

TTRockstars Day!

Designing and making our own Electronic Lunar Rovers - check out the rest of Trailblazers photos on their class page!


More Greek Day fun - Check out the rest of the food tasting photos on the class blog!

Philosophers Greek Day was amazing - thank you to all the parents that came to the Mini Olympics. You can see the rest of the photos of Philosophers class page.

Sculpture competition - Submit your designs to the school office!

Escape Internet safety workshop

Positive Play have had a great time with their Monkeys!

Explorers (reception) have had a great time baking cakes to raise money for an animal charity, big thanks to Mrs Salt for helping them out!

The children in Positive Play have been enjoying making their very own flower arrangements!

The first week back and the children are already busy! Check out the photos and videos from our African workshop.


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African art workshop.

Mr Nutt has done it again! A big thank you from all the children (and staff) here at Westhouses for an amazing Christmas Dinner!

We had a very magical visitor yesterday at school and we are pleased to say all our children have been very good this year and got a special present from Santa.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Trailblazers had a great day exploring aspects of life during World War Two.

Christmas mud pie anyone? Some of our pupils are already feeling festive!

We wish our year 6 class the best in their futures and we hope they have settled into their new schools!

Today we say goodbye to Mrs Ramsdale, we hope you liked your gifts - Good luck in your new job, we will miss you!

A huge thank you to Community Growth CIc -Arts, Heritage and environmental Education for giving up their time to come in and work with our children on this fantastic project for 'Westhouses Wellies' - Check out the end results below!

A massive thank you to the ladies that have been in school doing art work with our children. They have loved mixing art and nature to create some amazing pieces.

We just had to share these amazing photos of our staff from the leavers show, you look great guys!

Wow! We just wanted to say a massive congratulation to everyone who was involved in our leavers show. You guys did an amazing job and it was a pleasure to watch you have so much fun. A special thanks to Mr Weston for putting on such a spectacular show and all the other staff for helping with learning lines and creating props. Now sit back and relax as Summer come closer!

Thank you to the ladies who came in to do some willow weaving with our Trailblazers. They had an amazing time and the end results looked fab!

Wow! What an amazing day yesterday at Matlock Meadows farm for Derbyshire’s Food for Life celebration day. The 2 pupils we took with us to celebrate loved it and have already said they would love to go back. The workshop with Liz was amazing, as always, for both pupils and adults - thank you for continually providing us with new learning opportunities and information on plants and growing. The staff and farmers on the site where also very informative but in a fun way for the children and they put on the best lunch ever! (The homemade ice cream was such a treat!). Finally, it was so nice to hear tricks and tips from other schools also working towards their Food for Life medals. Our children loved their gift from Brimington Primary School and are planning on starting a herb garden with it! A big thank you to Ange for organising the whole day!

The KS2 map quest day was amazing, the children has so much fun (with all the activities) and the weather made it! p.s the children also took some great seflies!

Our seeds for beetroot, pumpkins and peas have been planted for over the summer. Our potatoes have gone home with one of our staff members to babysit over the 6 weeks holiday and will be ready for harvest in September and (thanks to Food for life donations) we now have a whole host of seeds to plants in September! Still left to do before we break up for the big holidays: Plants herbs in our new herb garden located at the entrance of school, create a suggestion box for our hall and publish an article with the school newspaper on what Food for Life is.

Philosophers have been learning all about volcanoes this term. They even got to create their own and complete an experiment on eruptions. Check out the photos and videos below. A big thank you to all the parents that came into school to watch the eruptions! (The weather was on our side)

Breaking news!!!

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A volcano has erupted at Westhouses Primary School - check out the footage below submitted by a member of the public (scenes could be upsetting for some viewers).

Our Year 6's has an amazing time in each workshop last week at West Notts for their 'Futures Day'.

Explorers had an amazing time at the sleepover on Friday, yummy chip!

Wow, well done to the infants that joined in the fun run this week, you did an amazing job!

Trailblazers trip to Derby University was a huge success, we are glad they enjoyed themselves!

Philosophers had an amazing time at Magna science center!

The fun continues on Science day with a Plasticine boat race!

Science day had a great start with Mrs Travis' experiment 'Blubber Gloves'

Wow! Philosophers fife performance was amazing!

Explorers had so much fun on Wednesday in their workshop - Thank you to the artist that came in.

The children had so much fun today learning all about Water Aid and what they do. Thank you for coming into school.

The children had so much fun doing 'bikeability' before half term!

The children and parents loved the stream of wool walk today, the weather was on our side!

The children really enjoyed their willow weaving outside!

Did you know that this church used to be located in Westhouses? A beautiful bit of local history for the children to look at yesterday.

The children had an amazing time yesterday at the Butterley Railways museum, see if you can spot any familiar names on the old buses!

Trailblazers have begun their sunflower competition today - check out the photos below.

Trailblazers have been learning first aid with Mrs Tucker and Mrs Russell. Check out the photos of them learning what to do if someone collapses, basic bandages and how to create a stretcher.

25 years in teaching! Congratulations Mrs Whitby! Thank you for all your hard work!

Wow! The children did an amazing job at the Sing Together performance.

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Sing Together was amazing yesterday at Stonebroom Primary. Videos to follow soon!

March for water 2019 - Thank you to everyone who sponsored our children and took part in the walk!

Philosophers clay bird feeder workshop.

KS1 Dance Festival 2019

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KS1 dance festival 2019

World book day - video 1

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World book day -video 2

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World book day - video 3

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More amazing work from the 'my Family' theme in positive play this week.

The end result of the pod making.

The Juniors had an amazing time felt making - check out the process and end results below.

Philosophers did an amazing job in their fife performance assembly on Wednesday - check out the photos below!

Fife performance

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Trailblazers had a great time at their sleepover!

Miss Russell's class have been learning all out Chinese New Year!

A Chinese Dragon came to look around the school today!

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This weeks positive play is 'My Family' - Check out one of our pupils work.

The Last assembly of the year - Mrs Whitby was feeling very festive!

Guess who came to school today!

Philosophers perform 'Behind the Stable Door'.

Philosophers have been learning all about the Stone Age - Check out the rest of the photos on their class page!

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon was a huge success, thank you to everyone who came and baked/brought cakes. We had so many we even did a bake sale the next day!

Trailblazers Eyam School trip

Lino Printing

Westhouses vs Blackwell - debate on school uniform.

Thank you to all who took part in our shortbread competition!

Our 'Equaliteas' picnic to celebrate 100 years since woman won the right to vote was amazing! Thank you to all who came to celebrate this moment in history.

The teachers have been hard at work on their displays for our competition. Well done to the winners!

Wow! Lea Green was amazing - DVD's with all the photos on will be available for purchase soon!

Mexican food feast at school! Trailblazers Topic this term.

Royal Wedding picnic - thanks to all who came!

Wow! Trailblazers drumming performance was amazing, well done to all who joined in and thank you to those who helped!

British Heart Foundation Charity Day

Thank you to all who wore red, donated and came in to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. The children had so much fun planing their heart related activities and the parents definitely enjoyed pie face! 

Mayor of Derby Visit 

Pupil Voice and WHOP have been on a trip to see the Mayor of Derby this week. 

Medicine safety talk with our Philosophers.

World Book Day

World Book Day has been so much fun and the childrens costumes look great! Each staff member has chosen their favourite book by Roald Dahl and the children have enjoyed activities based on those books. We have tasted sweets with Willy Wonka, made dream jars with the BFG and visited the Chokey with Miss Trunchbull! Check out the photos below.

Number Day 2018!

Thank you to all of the parents and family members who joined us for Number Day! The theme was measurement, the Explorers measured ingredients and made some delicious fruit muffins! The Philosophers measured their height, arm span, head circumference etc and ordered the measurements. The Trailblazers created cardboard robots which needed to propel, and they measured the distance that they traveled! Many of the children created their own t-shirts for 'dress up for digits.' We raised over £130 for the NSPCC, so thank you for your support.

Number Day -Friday 2nd February 2018

Roman Day - More pictures on Philosophers class page!

Santa has arrived!

Christmas Parties 2017.

Remembrance Day 2017.

Lest we Forget - Remembrance Day poppies.

This weeks activity in positive play!

Check out more of the Halloween Boo Bash photos on Friends of Westhouses Gallery. Thank you to all who helped.

Den building in Positive Play with Mrs Tucker.

Presenting Egyptian work - more on Trailblazers class page.

The Naughty bus has been spotted all around school - more information on explorers class page.

School Sleepover - the children had so much fun.

Year 2 mini olympics

Sports Day Awards and Champions!

Sports Day 2017

Just to prove staff don't have fun on INSET days!

The Reception classroom begins to take shape with its new toilet - keep checking back for new photos and updates.

Brass Performance by Class 3

Sports Relief 2016

Class 3 Brass Performance

Kwik Cricket Champions 2015! 

Congratulations to the Y4/5/6 cricket team who were crowned 'Kwik Cricket District Champions 2015' at Glapwell cricket ground. Next stop the County Final in July laugh

Kwik Cricket District Champions 2015

Basketball Team- Runners up!

Congratulations to our school Basketball team who were runners up at the recent cluster tournament at Pilsley School.They worked so well as a team and all gave it 100%- we are very proud of them!

Westhouses Basketball Team

David Woolley and Maitre ‘Samsou’ Camara from Joliba West African Drum and Dance Workshop came to Class 1. We had an amazing time and even performed to our parents at the end of the day.

Socks (the chicken) visits Class 1 to support their poetry.

World Book Day - Design a Bookmark Competition - Winners