Please use these videos to support your child when using written calculations in Maths. We have asked the children to explain how they work out the answers to different calculations using the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Each operation has three separate videos:
- Concrete: this is where the children use apparatus (manipulatives) or objects to work out an answer, such as numicon, base ten or counters.
- Pictorial: this is where the children use images which look like the apparatus to help them - such as sticks and dots for base ten.
- Abstract: this is the formal method, such as column method for addition or the 'bus stop' method for division.
If you would like any other information about these videos, please speak to your child's class teacher or have a look at our calculation policy, which is linked below.
Subtraction using manipulatives, drawings and the written method.
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