Need help?
If you need to talk to someone or if you’re worried about a friend, you can contact any of the following:
If you are worried a crime is happening now, call 999 now.
If it isn't an emergency, but you think the police should know about it call 101
or report it online.
Twitter - @DerPolContact
Facebook - @derbyshireconstabulary
If you would prefer not to contact the Police directly:
Crimestoppers – 0800555111 (anonymously)
NSPCC - 0808 800 5000 or email - [email protected]
Child Line - 0800 1111
CEOP via their online site. (anonymously)
The main thing is, if you have a concern and would normally confide in a trusted adult at school or someone who you would normally have regular contact with but aren’t at the moment, please, please consider the options above.
We are all here to help!
It is also important to look after our own mental health during these strange times, should you feel in need you can contact The Mental Health Helpline on:
0300 790 0596
or explore the Mental Health Helpline for advice
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Please find questions and answers regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in the drop down menu in 'About Us'.
In the meantime, if you require any further information, please contact Mrs Whitby (SENCo) on 01773 832518.
Alternatively, you may contact Lisa Buttery at Derbyshire County Council on 01629 533660 or via e-mail at [email protected].
British Values
Westhouses Primary School is committed to serving the community of Westhouses and its surrounding areas. At Westhouses School, we recognise the ever-changing nature of our multi-cultural and multi-faith United Kingdom, and therefore those it serves. We understand the vital role we have in ensuring that groups or individuals within our school are not subjected to intimidation or radicalization by those wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them.
Please click this link to see our outlining approach to British Values.
Please find below Westhouses Primary Schools Complaints procedure.
We are proud of our school and children are encouraged to take a pride in their appearance and become part of the shared identity of the school.
Children should wear:
A black jumper/cardigan and a white shirt/polo shirt;
Black or dark grey shorts/trousers/skirt (not tracksuit bottoms or jeans)/black or grey pinafore and red checked summer dresses.
Sensible, dark shoes. (not trainers)
Book bags are sold in the office for £5.00
PE is an important part of our curriculum. It is important that children come to school properly equipped to take part. On PE days pupils come to school in their PE kit all day.
Children should wear:
A plain white T-shirt.
Black hooded jacket.
Plain black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms.
Sport trainers.
Apart from simple stud earrings, which should be removed for PE, children should not wear jewellery or make up for school.
Black jumpers, skirts etc. can be bought from a wide variety of local shops and supermarkets. The school has also set up an option to buy online, this is now through School Trends and My Clothing Follow the links below to buy uniform online.
Lessons begin at 8.50am
Morning break 10.45 am. to 11.00 am
. Lunch 12 noon to 1.00 pm.
Afternoon break (for Explorers) 2.05 pm. to 2.15 pm.
School finishes 15.30pm
The hours spent on teaching during the normal school week, including R.E. but excluding the statutory daily act of collective worship, registration and breaks is 23 hours and 45 mins in class 1 and 24 hours and 35 mins in class 2and 3.
Medical Diet in Schools
Derbyshire Catering Service are pleased to announce the Medical Diet in Schools Application Portal is now live. If you need to fill out a medical form please follow the link below.
To ensure that Schools, Derbyshire Catering Service and parents or carers are aware of their responsibilities in providing meals for pupils with medical dietary requirements, we have developed the attached Medical Diet Safeguarding Standard.
Paper copies of the Medical Diet Request Form are still available if required.
Derbyshire Catering Team.
We are open daily (term time only) for children who attend Westhouses Primary School. Breakfast club runs from 7.50am – 8:50am and is supervised by 2 members of staff in our hall/Library. Our Afterschool club runs from the end of the school day – 5:30pm. If your child wishes to attend an afterschool activity club they can be collected from that club by a member of wrap around care staff however attending a club does not discount our care.
The supervisors are DBS checked and comply completely with school safeguarding standards. They will provide an informal but secure setting to ensure your child feels safe and happy. A snack will be provided at both breakfast and afterschool club and a range of activities will be available for your child to join in. A quiet area will be provided if your child wishes to read or do homework.
Your child can choose to have a breakfast, whether they have already eaten at home. The Breakfast will be a mixture of toast, cereal, fruits and yogurts. Afterschool your child will be provided with a snack.
Wrap around Care is billed weekly (every Friday), including every session but Friday afternoons; these run onto the following weeks bill. A text is also sent home letting parents know what they owe. If your bill exceeds £60 we may ring or send a final reminder, if this is then ignored we have the right to refuse our services to you. We recommend keeping track of your child’s attendance at home and paying termly, monthly or weekly in advance. If you pay a large sum and your child cannot attend for any reason we will credit their account. This can either be claimed back through the office or pay for a future session.
Breakfast care 7.45am-8am an additional £1.00 per child.
Breakfast care 8.00am – 8.50am £4.00 per child including breakfast.
Afterschool care 3.30pm – 5.00pm £5.50 per child including snack.
Afterschool care 5.00pm-5.30pm an additional £2.50 per child.
Afterschool care after a club no longer receives a discount.
Children in receipt of Pupil premium free school meals (Not Universal free meal for Rec-Year 2) will be charged £2.50 for breakfast care and £4.00 for afterschool care. (Additional charges for extra time stay the same)
Every day (Mon-Fri) Breakfast care is £16 – saving £4.00.
Every day (Mon-Fri) after school care is £25 – saving £2.50.
Every day (Mon-Fri) complete Wrap around care is £40 –saving £7.50.
Please indicate on the booking form below if your child will be staying until 5pm or 5.30pm. If you are unsure please fill the form in to the best of your knowledge at the moment. Breakfast club opens at 7.45am for an additional charge of £1 per child. Please indicate on your booking form if you wish your child to start early.
Please note: If we do not have a booking form/note for your child you will not get a discount.
Booking forms can be requested from the school office alternatively please email the dates and times you wish your child to be booked in to [email protected].
Westhouses Primary School Equality Information and Objectives - Information for school website Public Sector Equality Duty (Updated July 2021)
Public Sector Equality Duty
The Equality Act 2010 requires us to publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard for the need to:
Westhouses Primary School is an inclusive school where we focus on the well-being and progress of every child and where all members of our community are of equal worth.
We believe that the Equality Act provides a framework to support our commitment to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people. It also ensures that we continue to tackle issues of disadvantage and underachievement of different groups.
Our approach to equality is based on the following key principles:
1. All learners are of equal value
2. We recognise and respect difference
3. We foster positive attitudes and relationships and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging.
4. We observe good equalities practice in staff recruitment, retention and development.
5. We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist.
6. We have the highest expectations of all our children.
Equality Information Number of pupils on roll at the school: 71 Information on pupils by protected characteristics The Equality Act 2010 protects people from discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics. Every person has several of the protected characteristics, so the Act protects everyone against unfair treatment. In order to ensure that all pupils are protected from discrimination, the school collects information on protected characteristics. Information on other groups of pupils In addition to pupils with protected characteristics, we gather further information on the following groups of pupils:
It may be possible to identify individuals from the information provided when the number of pupils with a particular characteristic is low and the information is sensitive personal information.
Gender: 56.3% male, 43.7% female Pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM): 17.00 % Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium: 22.00% Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) 29.6% Pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL): 0.00 %
Through rigorous tracking and monitoring of individuals and of all the groups of children, including progress and attainment, and by providing equal opportunities to access the curriculum and activities, we aim to ensure that any gap in attainment for pupils within any of the above different groups is removed, or at least remains less than the gap nationally. Eliminating discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act The information provided here aims to demonstrate that we give careful consideration to equality issues in everything that we do at Westhouses Primary School. ‘Due regard’ ensures that we work towards eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act. We are committed to working for equality for all our staff, parents/carers and children to meet our duties under the Equality Act 2010. We eliminate discrimination by:
Advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it We advance equality of opportunity by:
Fostering good relations across all characteristics - between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it We foster good relations by:
Equality Objectives
At Westhouses Primary School, we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers, irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, religion or socio-economic background.
In order to further support pupils, raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching, we have set the following objectives:-
This school is part of Derbyshire County Councils insurance scheme and any claims against the school should be directed to the county council electronically using the claims Notification form and emailed to [email protected]
Private School Fund
The school does not currently hold a Private School Fund.
Parents/Carers hold the right to ask for paper copies of any information we hold on our school website; please see the school office to request this. These will be provided free of charge. Thank you.
At Westhouses we follow the 'Family dining' menu provided by Derbyshire County Council.
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