Parents & carers have a right to express a preference for the school they wish their child to attend. If a child lives in the catchment area for this school, they will have priority for a place. Our current Published Admission Number (PAN) is 10.
All admissions to the school are dealt with by Derbyshire County Council. A link to the school admissions section of Derbyshire County Council's website is given below.
If your child is joining the school at the start of Reception, there will be opportunities arranged for both you and your child to visit us to meet our staff and learn more about life at the school.
Any parents considering Westhouses as the school for their child are very welcome to contact the School Office to arrange a time to come and look around the school and meet the staff.
The link below is suitable should you wish to move your child to Westhouses during the normal school year and we would welcome a visit so you can meet the staff and pupils prior to making a decision.
If you would prefer to speak to someone Derbyshire offer a phone service to complete the application on
01629 537499.
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