School provision
Teachers responsible for teaching SEN groups/individuals on a part-time basis.
Teaching Assistants and HLTAs mainly working with either individual children or small groups on interventions such as Switch On, Positive Play, Toe by Toe, handwriting, pre-teaching etc.
ICT support in the form of writing and maths programmes are delivered by teaching assistants during specified small group or individual sessions, according to need.
Teaching Assistants or HLTAs offering support for children with emotional and social development through daily checking in sessions.
Local Authority Provision delivered in school
Autism Outreach Service
Educational Psychology Service
Sensory Service for children with visual, hearing or other sensory needs
Parent Partnership Service
SALT (Speech and Language Therapy)
Behaviour Support
SSSEN (School Support Services for Educational Needs)
SSPI and SSVI (School Support for Physical Impaired and Visual Impaired)
Health Provision delivered in school
Additional Speech and Language Therapy input to provide a higher level of service to the school
School Nurse
Occupational Therapy
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