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  • Bolden Terrace, Westhouses, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5AF. Tel: 01773 832 518

PE & Sports Premium

Click here for the Department for Education link to the Primary School's Sports Funding page.

Primary school PE and school sport: funding


1. In April 2013, the Government announced new funding of £150 million for physical education (PE) and sport. This funding should be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision.

2. Funding will be allocated to all maintained and state-funded schools with primary phase pupils,  including: primary, middle, special and non-maintained special schools, academies and pupil referral units from 1 September 2013. 

3. Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupil develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.


How will we be spending the PE and Sport funding and who will benefit?


At Westhouses Primary School we are investing £2530 of our annual funding in affiliating to the Bolsover District School Sport Partnership (BDSSP). BDSSP is passionate about improving the lives of young people, by providing opportunities through Physical Education and Sport. BDSSP will provide a core package to support the school in;


Physical Education

·         Continuous professional development signposting and support

·         Inclusion training and support

·         Curriculum support

·         PE and School Sport Audit



  • Level 1 School Games (intra-school) support
  • Provides a pathway for 12 sports at KS2 to link to Level 3 School Games event
  • Membership of the Derbyshire School Sports Association
  • Entry to the Champion School programme


Leadership & Volunteering

·         Mini Leader programme - training / mentoring


Club & Community Links

·         Signposting to local clubs through competition programme

·         Sport specific support


Talent Identification & Development

·         Rising Stars talent programme

·         Pupil and Parent workshops


Physical Activity

  • A co-ordinated approach to developing your playground to enable as many pupils as possible to be as active as possible
  • Bikeability programme (Y5&6)
  • Balanceability  programme (KS1)
  • Change 4 Life / Physical Activity Hub programme
  • Golden Mile Physical Activity training and support


Other features

  • Support for schools to achieve School Games Kitemark for PE and Sport
  • Sharing of good practice through regular PLT/Headteacher meetings at cluster and SSP level (min 3 per year)
  • School Sport Partnership Conference (KS1 event)
  • Youth Sport Trust Introductory membership
  • Governor Briefings
  • PE & School Sport & Physical Activity Health Check

The School has completed an audit of PE, school sport and physical activity to inform how we can further improve our provision.


Our main actions from this PE Health check audit are:


1: To improve PE lessons and teaching within our school.

2: To improve the assessment of pupils in PE in our school.

3: To engage more children in physical activities during lunchtimes.


How will we measure the impact of the PE and Sport Premium?

Through the analysis of the spending of our Sport Premium funding, we will analyse the effectiveness of the ways in which we have spent our Sport Premium funding. This will the through:

  • The percentages of children in different groups who have taken part in sporting activities both in and out of school.
  • The number of clubs provided and how they have been delivered: have they been accessible and accessed by all children?
  • The monitoring of PE lessons - what do we need to do next to improve the quality of teaching in PE?
  • Pupil voice interviews: what are the children enjoying and what do they want us to do next to engage them further in physical activity?
  • working in partnership with the School Sport Partnership, who assist us in the auditing of our Sport Premium spending.
  • The assessment tools of the School Sports Award.

End of KS2 swimming data 2022-23:



Meeting National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.


What do I report on?


What should pupils know and do

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim Competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?



82 %



  • A continuous swim of more than 25 metres, without touching the side of the pool or pool floor. Part of the swim should be completed in deep water.
  • Strokes are as strong at the end as at the start
  • Strokes are recognisable to an informed onlooker.


Pupils choose stroke and start in the water, must be relaxed.


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke?



73 %



Children should be able to use a range of strokes, alternating on their front and back, and adapt them for a range of purposes. Swimming strokes do not have to be technically correct, but they need to be effective for the intended outcomes to be successfully achieved.


 E.g. swim 15 metres using a range of strokes, with change of strokes to be fluent, treading water using a breaststroke type action and sculling with hands.

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self- rescue in different water – based situations?





Water Safety Message:

Spot the Dangers

Advice – take advice

Friends – go with a friend

Emergency- learn what to do in an emergency

Children should know the dangers of water locally and nationally. Learn how and why to use appropriate survival and self-rescue skills if they fall in by accident, or get into difficulty and knowing what to do if others get into trouble.



If you would like to see historical data re: swimming, please click on the Sport Premium documents, which are below.

Evidencing the impact of Sports Premium Funding 2023-24

Evidencing the impact of Sports Premium Funding 2022-23

Evidencing the impact of Sports Premium Funding 2021-22

Evidencing The Impact of Sports Premium Funding 2020-21

Evidencing The Impact of The Sport Premium Spending 2019/20

Evidencing the Impact of Sports Premium Funding 2018-19

Evidencing the impact of Sports Premium 2017-2018

Evidencing the impact of Sports Premium 2016-2017

Evidencing the impact of Sports Premium 2015-2016

Evidencing the impact of Sports Premium 2014-2015