White Rose Support:
White Rose Maths has created a suit of support videos to support parents and children. These videos aim to show you ways to help your child if they are struggling and provides support for parents if they feel unsure about current methods used in school. These resources can be accessed here: https://whiterosemaths.com/maths-with-michael
Additional Practice Booklets:
White Rose have also completed a set of complementary booklets to give children the chance to do some additional practice at home. The booklets are block and year group specific, so please ask your child's teacher to direct you to the correct one if you are unsure. These can be accessed here: https://whiterosemaths.com/parent-resources
Multiplication and the Multiplication Check
At Westhouses Primary School, we place a big emphasis on the importance of learning key number facts, including number bonds and multiplication tables. Throughout school, we use our weekly times table challenge to support and extend children's knowledge of tables alongside dedicated lessons in lower school to focus on the recall of key facts.
It has been announced that from 2020, children in Year 4 will take part in a times tables screening - this well test children's knowledge and fluency of all times tables. The test will be taken online and will comprise of questions from the 2 to 12 times table. Children will have six seconds to answer each question. We will receive the results and will be able to support children further who do not fluently know their multiplication tables. For more information about the tables check, please speak to Mr Weston or Mrs Whitby.
Please follow the link below to find some resources which may help you to support your child in learning their multiplication facts: https://www.westhouses.derbyshire.sch.uk/multiplication-resources/
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