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  • Bolden Terrace, Westhouses, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5AF. Tel: 01773 832 518


Trailblazers' Homework


What is my weekly homework?

Each week you will have the following homework tasks:


1. 10-minute maths book and 10-minute grammar book

These will recap learning throughout the year. They are expected to complete a double page each week and return it to school on Friday where we will do a whole class feedback session. 

2. Regular reading

Record in home school diary, who they've read with, how long they've read for, any vocabulary they noticed etc.

3. Spellings

Children will have spellings stuck in their home school diary each week. They are there to provide children with a further opportunity to learn them at home if they wish. We will be focusing on the same spelling pattern in school for that week. As they move into Year 5 and 6, we would like children to start remembering rules and patterns rather than memorising a list of 10 words. 


As per our homework policy, children will be expected to return their homework each week and any missed homework will be completed during break times. 

Need help with your homework?

Use the documents and links below to help with your homework. Remember, if you are unsure and need some extra help, come and ask me and I will go through it with you.

Maths reminders.


We have created a range of videos to help you support your child at home! They all show the different methods we use to teach Maths calculations and Phonics at Westhouses Primary School. Use the link below to access them.


Help with Multiplication and Division

Use the links on the following page to help develop your knowledge of multiplication and division.


SATs Revision