Number Fact Fluency Scheme of Learning
All pupils should have a secure understanding of key facts in mathematics to ensure that they are proficient and confident mathematicians.
By the end of Year 4, all children are expected to know all multiplication tables up to 12x12. Within the National Curriculum/ EYFS Framework, it is also set out that:
Year Group | Expectation |
Reception |
One |
Two |
Three |
Four |
Five |
Six |
It is expected that teachers explicitly teach these areas to children, assessing and adapting planning to ensure that children know and remember these key facts as they progress through school.
| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Reception | Recognise and write numerals to 5. | Recognise and write numerals to 10. | Number bonds to 5. | Number bonds to 10. | Doubles and halves to 10. | Consolidation and stretch. |
One | Review: number bond to 5 and 10 | Number bonds to 20, 50 and 100. | Counting in 10s. | Counting in 2s. | Counting in 5s. | Consolidation and stretch.
Two | Review: number bond to 100, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Assessment: Verbal/ whiteboards. | 10x table and related facts. Assessment: 10x test | 2x table and related facts. Assessment: 2x test | 5x table and related facts.
Assessment: 5x test | Counting in 3s.
Assessment: Verbal/ whiteboards. | Consolidation and stretch.
Assessment: 2/5/10 mixed. |
Three | Review: 2/5 and 10x table. Assessment: 2/5/10 mixed. | 3x table and related facts. Assessment: 3x test | 4x table and related facts. Assessment: 4x test | 8x table and related facts. Assessment: 8x test | Counting in 6s. Assessment: verbal/ whiteboards. | Consolidation and stretch, including LKS2 number slalom.
Assessment: 2/3/4/5/8 test + Slalom activities
Four | Review: 3/4/8x table. Assessment: 23/4/5/8/10 mixed. | 6x table and related facts. Assessment: 6x test | 7x table and related facts. Assessment: 7x test | 11x table and related facts. Assessment: 11x test | 12x table and related facts. Assessment: 12x test | Consolidation and stretch including LKS2 Slalom. Assessment: 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/ 9/10/11/12 test + Slalom activities
Five | Review: use of Multiplication Check to address gaps. Assessment: 2/3/4/5/6/7/ 8/9/10/11/12 test + LKS2 Slalom activities
| Mixed facts up to 12x12, including division. Assessment: Nearly at the summit
| Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000 Assessment: x and / by 10, 100 and 1000 test. | Roman Numerals Assessment: Roman numerals
| Fractions. Assessment: unit and non-unit fractions
| Consolidation and stretch including UKS2 Slalom Activities. Assessment: Nearly at the summit
Six | Review: multiplication and division facts to 12x12 Assessment: Nearly at the summit
| Negative Numbers Assessment: negative numbers
| Square, cube and squared roots. Assessment: Summit test
| FDP equivalences. Assessment: FDP and % assessments
| Consolidation and stretch including UKS2 Slalom Activities. Assessment: slalom activities. | Consolidation and stretch including UKS2 Slalom Activities. Assessment: slalom activities. |
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