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Number Fact Fluency Scheme

Number Fact Fluency Scheme of Learning



All pupils should have a secure understanding of key facts in mathematics to ensure that they are proficient and confident mathematicians.


By the end of Year 4, all children are expected to know all multiplication tables up to 12x12. Within the National Curriculum/ EYFS Framework, it is also set out that:


Year Group



  • Number bonds to 5
  • Begin to know number bonds to 10


  • Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100
  • Be able to count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.


  • 2x, 5x and 10x tables
  • Be able to count in multiples of three


  • Consolidation of number bonds and 2/5/10x table
  • 3x, 4x, 8x table


  • 6x, 7x, 9x, 11x and 12x table
  • Secure knowledge of all multiplication facts to 12x12


  • Know all multiplication and related division facts up to 12x12
  • Knowledge of Roman numerals to 1,000.
  • Squared and cubed numbers
  • Basic FDP relationships ( ½ , ¼, ¾ and 1/10)


  • All x and ÷ facts (12x12)
  • Related language/symbols e.g. %, FDP relationships, squared, cubed and square root


It is expected that teachers explicitly teach these areas to children, assessing and adapting planning to ensure that children know and remember these key facts as they progress through school.



  • Within the Maths lesson, each class is expected to include a key facts starter (previously known as a counting starter).
  • Children should be able to recall key facts and know that multiplication facts are commutative.
  • Children should eb aware of where facts have been previously learned in other units, and encouraged to make connections.
  • Each half term, year groups will be given specific facts to focus on within the teaching sequence:













Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Recognise and write numerals to 5.

Recognise and write numerals to 10.

Number bonds to 5.

Number bonds to 10.

Doubles and halves to 10.

Consolidation and stretch.


Review: number bond to 5 and 10

Number bonds to 20, 50 and 100.

Counting in 10s.

Counting in 2s.

Counting in 5s.

Consolidation and stretch.



Review: number bond to 100, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Assessment: Verbal/ whiteboards.

10x table and related facts.

Assessment: 10x test

2x table and related facts.

Assessment: 2x test

5x table and related facts.


Assessment: 5x test

Counting in 3s.


Assessment: Verbal/ whiteboards.

Consolidation and stretch.


Assessment: 2/5/10 mixed.


Review: 2/5 and 10x table.

Assessment: 2/5/10 mixed.

3x table and related facts.

Assessment: 3x test

4x table and related facts.

Assessment: 4x test

8x table and related facts.

Assessment: 8x test

Counting in 6s.

Assessment:  verbal/ whiteboards.

Consolidation and stretch, including LKS2 number slalom.


Assessment: 2/3/4/5/8 test + Slalom activities




Review: 3/4/8x table.

Assessment: 23/4/5/8/10 mixed.

6x table and related facts.

Assessment: 6x test

7x table and related facts.

Assessment: 7x test

11x table and related facts.

Assessment: 11x test

12x table and related facts.

Assessment: 12x test

Consolidation and stretch including LKS2 Slalom.

Assessment: 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/

9/10/11/12 test + Slalom activities



Review: use of Multiplication Check to address gaps.

Assessment: 2/3/4/5/6/7/

8/9/10/11/12 test + LKS2 Slalom activities


Mixed facts up to 12x12, including division.

Assessment: Nearly at the summit


Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000

Assessment: x and / by 10, 100 and 1000 test.

Roman Numerals

Assessment: Roman numerals



Assessment: unit and non-unit fractions



Consolidation and stretch including UKS2 Slalom Activities.

Assessment: Nearly at the summit



Review: multiplication and division facts to 12x12

Assessment: Nearly at the summit


Negative Numbers

Assessment: negative numbers


Square, cube and squared roots.

Assessment: Summit test


FDP equivalences.

Assessment: FDP and % assessments


Consolidation and stretch including UKS2 Slalom Activities.

Assessment: slalom activities.

Consolidation and stretch including UKS2 Slalom Activities.

Assessment: slalom activities.




  • Most children should meet the expectation outlined for their year group. Childreh should be able to pass assessments at the appropriate point of the year, with support in place for pupils working below expectations.
  • Regular assessment using the provided assessment sheets should be used form Y2 upwards. Assessment in YR and Y1 should occur through play and practical activities. Recordings of pupils scores and progress on Eazmag (under weekly tests).
  • For pupils who require additional support, 1:1 and small group interventions should take place (for example, precision teaching, additional TTRS practice etc.) These pupils should be monitored closely to identify gaps and barriers to their learning.