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Look at our learning 2023-24

Year 5 completed their level 1 and 2 Bikeability!

We had a workshop with Severn Trent Water, exploring ways to support their work and help the environment.

Our chicks have hatched!

Our team building day with the Sports Partnership.

We were visited by the Salvation Army. They taught the children how to play the tambourine just how those in the Salvation Army do!

The Salvation Army came to visit us to teach us how to play the tambourine.

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We created peg bees for the nature noticeboard and created our own plate designs.

We produced our own play, we were only given the last line ‘that’s why you don’t give a squirrel cat food’ ‘that’s not a banana tree, that’s an apple tree’. We made cup and saucer bird feeders, made some new garlands, went to the allotment and did a scavenger hunt for KS1. We have had the ‘best day, a great day and a very different day’. We had lots of fun!

Making clay faces and flowers on our trees, team building - how small can you fold a tarpaulin without treading on the grass, building a shelter to avoid the rain and tug of war.

Busy cleaning the nature area board and putting bark onto the new path. Can you see the moth that we found in one of the photos?

We conducted an investigation to find out about whether height if a plant affects the distances seeds can be dispersed.

In science, we have been exploring the parts of a flower.

Easter egg hunt.

World Book Day 2024

Tuesday - David Wiesner

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Something strange descended on Trailblazers today. Beware, the frogs are up to no good...

In RE, we explored different quotes from The Bible to consider different views and perspectives.

We have been creating our own wooden tulips!

Snow fun!

We were visited by Rebekah Green, a member of the Team GB freestyle Kayak team! She explained how she trains and all about freestyle kayaking before leading sport sessions.

Safer Internet Day 2014 - We explored Artificial Intelligence. We considered the positive uses and how to stay safe when using it.

Further exploring ways to test and develop fitness.

This week in our sport science session we have explored different ways to explore fitness. We considered how this linked to profession sports and other wider jobs which need high levels of fitness.

In computing, we have been using Crumbles to explore physical coding. We used multiple outputs this week, creating code to make a sparkle and a motor work individually and in unison.

We explored ways to improve our physical and mental well-being.

Sports Science - we took part in an introduction to sports science session with the School Sport Partnership.

Forest School Week 2

We have been designing and making space-themed automata toys. Well done everyone!

We worked together to create a remembrance wreath.

Forest SchoolWeek 1

In science, we have been exploring the phases of the moon.

Well done to our football team, who have progressed to the Small Schools District Final! Well done everyone!

As part of our DT project, we have reviewed making 3D structures securely.

We used the tomatoes we harvested from the allotment to make soup from scratch. It went down a storm with the class (and the staff!).

Our first visit of the year to the school allotment. Look at what we've harvested!

Our team building workshop with Bolsover School Sports Partnership!

We had an assembly and workshop from Severn Trent today, exploring what should and shouldn't go down the drain and toilet. They also let us have a look at the new drainage system being installed on site! We also had a chance to drive machinery!