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  • Bolden Terrace, Westhouses, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5AF. Tel: 01773 832 518

Little Explorers

Welcome to Little Explorers 2024-2025

This page will include some of what we will be learning. However, most of our learning will be uploaded to 'Seesaw' for parents to access personally. Don't forget to check out the gallery page and our Facebook page for more regular updates. If you cannot find a letter you are looking for, please check the letters page under the 'parents' tab or pop into the office to ask. 


Our class is made up of Reception children.

Year 1 pupils also join us for some learning in our classroom. 

Our class teacher is Mrs Coupe. Mrs Whitby also teaches us. 
We also have Mrs Tucker and Mrs Tomlinson who help in our class.




Key Information:


Please ensure your child brings in a water bottle and their reading book/record every day. Please ensure that their belongings are labelled - it makes it easier to return them to the right child.


PE and Outdoor Learning 

Our Forest School day is Tuesday. Please wear warm, waterproof clothing on this day and bring wellies. 

Our PE day is Friday.

On Friday, Reception have PE with our coach. This term we will be focusing on Paceball and Athletics. This will be outdoors when possible.


Children will need to come into school in their PE kit on these days please.  This should be: plain white t-shirt, black shorts/ joggers and trainers. Please ensure a bobble is provided to tie back long hair and your child is able to remove their own earrings (or has tape to cover).


Friday is special assembly day! You will be notified if your child is 'Star of the Week'.



Home learning

Homework is not formally set for Reception pupils. 
We encourage pupils to read at home daily and practice their phonic sounds and tricky words. You can also take a look at the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Resources for Parents page.

For parents – Letters and Sounds (littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk)

Pupils can also practise number facts by logging into Numbots. 

Numbots Game

All of your child's logins are inside of their Reading Diary.

School milk

School milk is free for all children at Local Authority settings under the age of 5. Once your child turns 5 they will no longer be entitled to free milk but you can pay for it. This is a separate service to ParentPay and is ran by an outside company. If you wish to purchase milk you will need to do so via the cool milk website. They will then send a register of the children who are entitled and who pay for milk to school. https://www.coolmilk.com/parents/

Our Autumn Term! 


This Autumn, our topics are Into the Wild and Marvellous Me! Please find below our sticky knowledge mats which outline what questions we will be exploring for our learning this term.