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Homework Help

What is my weekly homework?

Each week you will have the following homework tasks on a Friday. We have a spelling test on the following Friday. No work needs to be handed in, but we would like you to try and complete each activity during the week. 


  1. Maths – log on to Numbots. Your child's password is in the front of their reading diary. Playing this game at home will boost your Explorers quick recall of number facts and support them with their learning. https://play.numbots.com/  Year 2's should also access times table rockstars using the same login details as their Numbots. 
  2. Reading – make sure you read each night for five minutes, and write it into your child's Reading Diary - these are checked on Friday morning and dojo points are added for each read. 
  3. Spellings will be posted on Seesaw every week. Use the QR code and instructions in the back of your child's reading diary to access these. Practice the spellings at home in whatever way you choose. 


Need help with your homework?

Remember, if you are unsure and need some extra help, pop into school for a chat. Or, follow the link below to see videos about how to support early reading at home.