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Homework Help

Philosophers' Homework


Philosophers' Homework


What is my weekly homework?

Each week you will have the following homework tasks:

  1. Times Tables Rock Stars

    Year 3 - 5 garage sessions, 

     Year 4 - 5 garage sessions and 3 soundcheck sessions.

  2. Reading

    Reading at home at least 3 times a week but more often is encouraged.  Record reading in your diary for Dojo rewards!smiley

  3. Spellings 

    Each week we will have a new spelling pattern; our spelling test is on a Friday. Children are given 10 spelling words that follow our spelling pattern and will be given 2 surprise words in the test from our Year 3/4 spelling list. 


Topic Traveller Homework:

Each half term, you will be given a topic traveller question. This is an optional task that can be completed over the half term. At the beginning of each half term, a question will be sent home that needs answering in a creative way. There will be a hand in date given for this task and examples of what things you may want to try. This is a good opportunity to get involved in your child's learning and find out what they have been doing.


Need help with your homework?

Use the documents and links below to help with your homework. Remember, if you are unsure and need some extra help, come and ask me and I will go through it with you.


English - grammar help


Maths key terms



We have created a range of videos to help you support your child at home! They all show the different methods we use to teach Maths calculations and Phonics at Westhouses Primary School. Use the link below to access them.


Help with Multiplication and Division

Use the links on the following page to help develop your knowledge of multiplication and division.


Year 4 Multiplication Check Meeting