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  • Bolden Terrace, Westhouses, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5AF. Tel: 01773 832 518

Ofsted Reports, DFE Performance Tables and SATs results

Please find below links to the latest Ofsted report and Government performance data for our school.

Thank you to all who have registered on Parent View at the parent consultation evening. We hope you are able to support the school by completing Ofsted's brief survey. This is another opportunity that, by sharing your views, you’ll be helping your child’s school to improve. You will also be able to see what other parents have said about our school. Or, if you want to, view the results for any school in England.






Annual salary statement

It is a requirement that we state which of our employees earn a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more. We do not currently have any employees who meet this threshold. 


Ofsted School Inspection Reports and SATs Results